Flash Tasmota on VM

I am following these instructions to flash Tasomota to some devices.

I have Ubuntu installed on a VM VirtualBox on my Windows 10 NUK.

At 3:15 of the video, talks about plugging in a WiFi dongle…
If my NUK is connected to WiFi, I assume I can skip this step?
What would my next step be?

Depends a bit on how VM sees your wifi adapter. If it is detected as a plug&play device, you should be able to ‘connect’ it to the VM host (and disconnecting it from your OS)

Otherwise, your should configure your wifi adapter into ‘bridge’ mode (which is easy in VM workstation, but not on the VM player)

Ultimate goal is to have it available on Ubuntu and turn your wifi into a SSID

I found it easier to use my Raspberry Pi, i could access it through ssl over (wired) lan, and had the wifi free to configure as needed :wink: