I flashed HA onto a ssd and slotted it into and old laptop, but it didn’t appear to boot up. I couldn’t access homeassistant.local:8123, so I took out the ssd and examined it from a ssd adaptor on my desktop. There are so many partitions with various folders and files , and some look very similar to thos partions etc which are on a 64Gb sd card which boots and can be accessed.
When the laptop boots up, it then goes to a black screen saying Operating system not found. I wouldn’t have thought that HA is an OS.
Am I missing something here.
Home Assistant Operationg System is an operating system as the name says.
Your old laptop needs to support UEFI boot and SecureBoot needs to be turned off.
Aah right , thanks.
The old laptop is an Advent Intel Pentium dual core T2370, and it doesn’t have UEFI nor secure boot.
I didn’t realise it need UEFI.
I’ll have to find one which has that. Does HA need an ethernet connection or will wifi do
WiFi will do fine, but a driver can be hard (read: near impossible) to install in HAOS, so you better make sure that the driver is included in the HAOS image.
Otherwise you will have to use a Supervised installation.
Ok thanks.
I was thinking of using my own old laptop which the ethenet port is damaged, but it doesn’t gave UEFI , so that’s a no go as well.
I’ll leave HA on the sdcard for now until I find something better.