Hi all,
Earlier today I flashed one of my two ESP8266 plugs with ESPhome successfully. I loaded Tasmota on the second one, and after playing around with it, wanted to put ESPhome on that one as well. In my excitement, I accidentally flashed the second plug with the same .bin file as the first plug, so now it’s basically showing up as two different devices with the same name. I flashed both via the OTA method and tuya-convert, so is there a way to “start fresh” on the second plug without the use of an FTDI adapter/serial connection? Or somehow flash the second plug with another bin?
leave the first one unplugged and load an ESPhome bin file into the Tasmota one OTA
If both of your plugs are now on ESPHome as the same device, I would suggest the following
Turn off Plug 1
In the config (for plug 1 & 2), add the
entry into the YAML, and upload to plug 2 OTA. this will enable web server allowing you to browser to plug 2 and upload a new binary.
Create a new ESPHome device for plug 2, compile and download the new binary
Browse to Plug 2 IP address and you’ll see simple web server where you can upload the new binary
Upload the new binary for the new plug 2 device.
Remove the web_server: component from plug 1 profile, take up space so better removed if not needed.
Turn Plug 1 back on, and you done.
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Awesome, thank you both for the replies. I was able to create a new bin for the second plug, upload it, and now it shows up as the second device.
Another question I had is do all smart plugs have the ability to send usage statistics (ie power draw, voltage, etc.)? I just flashed these ones (https://www.amazon.com/ISELECTOR-Electric-Anywhere-Compatible-Assistant/dp/B0797LC91T/ref=sr_1_9?crid=1HZS5TE9T63K8&keywords=iselector+smart+plug&qid=1582476530&sprefix=iselector%2Caps%2C153&sr=8-9) and even from looking at the Tasmota docs, it appears the GPIO pins only have pinouts for LED, relay, and button. I assume that means now power info?
Many plugs do not have power monitoring, you would need to buy one that specifies that it does. I don’t see any mention of it in the link you provided so I’m fairly confident those ones do not have this feature