I have a set of LED string lights on my patio that I’d like to integrate into HA. It is a HubSpace product from HomeDepot. I Iooked up the FCC ID from the bottom of the controller and the pics show an ESP32 inside. I have not personally opened my yet as I’m not ready to destroy the case just yet. The cable coming out of the controller that connects to the string lights has 3 pins. Pics from the FCC site are attached. Would it be possible to flash the ESP32 with WLED and control with it instead of the HubSpace software? If so, which pins would I connect to? I have a USB to TTL serial converter with 5 pins: 3V3, TXD, RXD, GND, +5V.
From what I’ve seen, hubspace devices seems to be bootloader locked so you can’t even flash custom firmware on them
Thank you. With only 3 pins out from the HubSpace controller, would an addressable controller from Athom or similar work?