Flashing ESPURNA to Sonoff Tuch

Hi, I followed all instructions in https://bitbucket.org/xoseperez/espurna/wiki/ArduinoIDE.md and flashed my ESP8285 board of the Sonoff Touch with espurna.ino sketch using Aruduino IDE 1.8.5

All works fine and it was compiled and uploaded.

Then resetted the board but searching it whith my smartphone and with my notebook… I not find in WiFi any device called DEVICE_XXXXXXX …and pinging I not find any device

If I start Serial monitor it show me:
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode (3,6)

wdt reset
load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
tail 8
chksum 0x2d
csum 0x2d

What I did wrong???

Turn on the Sonoff Touch, search for wifi networks and post a list of the networks you find.

Is the Sonoff connected to mains or the computer?

it is connected and powered by the FTDI 232RL

Are you still shorting GPIO0 to ground?

The error you’re getting (rst cause:4, boot mode (3,6)) can have a few causes. Weak power supply, reset pin shorted, network problems, etc.

The best way to test is assemble the switch and connect it to mains power. After about 10 seconds you should have a softAP with the name “DEVICE_XXXXXX”, where DEVICEis the identifier of your device and XXXXXX are the last 3 bytes of the MAC address.

No, after flashing it I do not shorted GPIO_0.
Tomorrow I will try to reassemble it and will connect to mains power.

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hi, I have assembled it and connected to mains power, waited 3 minutes … but it isn’t detected in my wifi lan

You have to detect it with your phone or tablet.

With phone and with notebook.
I think it is dead… I’m not able to erase flash with esptool.py it says me connecting… … … connection failed
I’m waiting for a new USB to serial adapter… based on CP2102 chip… and I will try to flash it again… if it is live yet

When you try with the new FTDI give us some feedback

ok, I will contact you