Flexget integration

I’m not sure if a lot off people here use/know Flexget, but I’ve started creating a custom integration for it.
Flexget is a multiple automation tool for all your media, you can do a lot of powerful stuff with it, like downloading movies/series, renaming content, subtitle management, … Flexget

The current state of the component is stored here on Github: Flexget component
What does this component do?
It creates a binary sensor for each of your configured tasks in Flexget. The state will be whether the last execution was successful or not.
All related info for the specific task (starttime, endtime, accepted entries, rejected entries, …) is stored in the state_attributes of the sensor. The sensor gets the name of the task’s name.

What is still left to do:
I’m probably gonna add filtering to the tasks. Since currently all tasks are read in when the HA starts and the platform is being set up, all of them get a sensor. Allowing the user to define a list of task they want to receive helps with hiding tasks which are not used (eg for testing, or old deprecated tasks still leftover in the database).

This can now be used to setup some automations (I know Flexget has internal notification system as well, using a lot of different possible plugins to setup, but hey, why not flash the light red when a task fails :smiley: )


Never heard of Flexget until now and it looks very interesting. It does look like it would take some time to understand it on my part, but using YAML and Jinja2 are pluses for getting started.

I’m going to have to bookmark this and go back to it when I have more time. Nice!

How is flexget compared to sonarr/radarr or sickrage/couchpotato? I already had sickrage and couchpotato for years but couch pretty much stopped working. So I just recently switched over to sonarr/radarr for TV/movies.

Is there anyway this could have Alexa read off a list of “added today” TV shows?

I use Flexget, great time-saver.

Cheers for this, I’ll have a go!

By coincidence, I was seeing how I could integrate ShowRSS into HA (hopefully have that in a ready to show state today, the very early PoC python code is my comment below)

I use ShowRSS: http://showrss.info/browse to get TV episode info and feed that into Flexget.

Flexget is great, I couldn’t keep track otherwise.

I use it in combination with ShowRSS, my flexget config looks like this:

      rss: http://showrss.info/user/[member number].rss?magnets=true&namespaces=true&name=clean&quality=hd&re=null
      all_series: yes
      deluge: yes

All that’s needed is a making a quick account on ShowRSS (it’s very privacy friendly - doesn’t even need an email), adding in the tv shows you track, and then between the RSS & Flexget all the shows come through.

Back to your question, I’ve just started trying to get them talking.

The ‘Feedreader’ component in HA doesn’t like the format of ShowRSS, so here’s a very early PoC start on getting the TV Episode description, a link to more details, and it’s next airing date. Then it might be easier to integrate into HA.

import feedparser
import datetime
from dateutil.parser import *

realday = datetime.datetime.today()

realday = realday.date()

d = feedparser.parse('http://showrss.info/user/schedule/[member number].rss')

for post in d.entries:

    tvdate = parse(post.published)

    showday = tvdate.date()

    print ("**********************************************")

    print post.description

    print post.link 

    tvwait = showday-realday

    print tvwait

    print ("**********************************************")


From this I’m going to have a simple if statement that shows me the TV episodes within the next ‘n’ days, display that on its page in HA with links so I can jump to a page for the episode details.

Hope it’s useful to you.

I’m new to Python, so sorry about the awful code.

It’s somewhat the same, seeing as it also downloads your TV shows and movies without interacting needed by you. However, from my experiences, Flexget is a lot more powerful than any of the other tools I’ve found before.

Having Alexa read off the list would not be supported for now, since the component I created only takes in the status of the last tasks executions (Flexget runs tasks to do specific things). Perhaps in the future I can check what other useful stuff can be integrated with HA from Flexget.
But I do believe it should be doable, given you take the correct information from the Flexget API.

I do use it i will try now your component!

I didn´t manage to put it working unfortunately :frowning:

How can I use it? Nothing added in HA after I’ve installed this component.

There’s a very good chance it’s not working anymore with the newer versions of HA.
As I’m currently building a new house, my old setup is not active anymore, so I actually have been without a HA installation for about half a year - a year now.

Once done I’ll probably set it up again and try to get my custom components to work again (not the only one that’s failing)…

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I will wait for it used for more than 1 year now stoped working on last versions! thanks for the custom component

I managed to hack this together and its working again for me.
No promises. Don’t really know what I’m doing.



i will try that thank you men!

Could support for HACS be added? :smiley:

Ouu my good. Thank you for this!! I have been using fleget over 8 or 9 years for now and can’t live whitout it. I have made tasks like auto discover movies based on imdb score, genre, language, score and so on… In the end when everything is configured and working. You can just let it run and forget it and new movies shows are auto downloadg you don’t need to think anymore what to download because flexget auto discover new movies for you and you just sit and watch… Also using this to download music what is also fully automated by my genre and auto sorting…

It is ultimate army knife for automating your downloads and forget that it is running.

Thx. I will check it out. :wink::upside_down_face:


I long time not used flexget. Something happened with lostfilm.tv rss feed. @Pahkel Can you help me set up flexget for this site ?