FLIC Add-On conflict with new HA BlueTooth Integration

I had a conflict with the new BlueTooth integration (2022.8.0) and my existing FLIC button add-on from pschmitt’s repository.

As such I’m unable to run both HA Bluetooth Integration and FLIC together (using a single BlueTooth adapter).

The FLICD add-on overrides the BlueTooth Integration and takes control of the adapter, so the FLIC buttons still work, but nothing connected via HA Core Bluetooth does.

Hopefully pschmitt’s add-on will be updated to make use of the new Integration so it can all work in harmony

Available HCI devices found:
Trying hci0
hci0 is busy, shutting down and retrying...
Successfully bound HCI socket
Flic server is now up and running!
Initialization of Bluetooth controller done!
Accepted new client


Found my flic buttons are not working since 2022.08 update. flic service was stopped. Starting did not resolve.
Can see on github:

flicd requires exclusive access to the Bluetooth device. There isn’t anything I can do to change that. Either disable the hass bt integration or plug in a second device and use that for flicd.

Although I’ve also read that flic only works with the internal adaptor.

I’ve configured and then disabled the new bluetooth integration.
Using dev tools to listen to flic_click events and none show up.

flic logs:

Available HCI devices found:
Trying hci0
hci0 is busy, shutting down and retrying...
Successfully bound HCI socket
Flic server is now up and running!
Initialization of Bluetooth controller done!
Accepted new client
Client EOF
A client was disconnected
Accepted new client
client read failed: Connection reset by peer
A client was disconnected
Accepted new client

Any advice on setting this up would be appreciated. I only require bluetooth for flic (for now…!).

Anyone know what the button LED flashes mean? I’m mostly getting two amber pulses while it’s not working.
Used to get one single green when it did work, which is easy to figure out.

Not going too well for me. Reverting back to a 2022.07.x backup didn’t resolve. I’ve tried to uninstall and reinstall the flicd service on both 2022.07 and 2022.08 and am struggling starting the service again. Currently not working at all.

How’s everyone else getting on?

I noticed that too.
The last couple of days the Flic button’s have stopped working. Since v2022.8.3 I think (or OS v8.4).
Amber light on the button and nothing reported when listening to flic_click in Dev Tools despite trying to re-set it back up.

I have an NFC tag as a backup for single click (computers on/off), so have been able to keep going without too much interruption, but I’ve lost my patience with them now and will switch to a zigbee (Aqara) button instead as I already use a couple of those through the home and they have the same 1, 2, hold functions.

It’s a shame as the Flic were a small and neat design.

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Separate USB Bluetooth dongle has done the trick for me. Changed the config to use hci1.

Couldn’t get the pi Bluetooth adaptor working.

Yea. Too unstable for me so switched to an Aqara button and it’s been good as gold since.

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But using USB BT adapter it means that all the buttons would need to be in it’s range, right?

I have flick2 button and HA on raspberry pi3.
I dont know how to connect my flick 2 button to my HA.
connecting to the phone app is easy and works.
is there anybody can help me with guide or some hints ?
Should I use an external USB dongle or can I use the built in bluetooth ?

I tried

but I cannot find it


You can use the internal BT in the Pi, but your range will be very limited… like 6ft.

If you use a USB extension and an external BT dongle then you should be able to get a few rooms away (or more?)

Once Flic is installed (in HACS I think), you tell it what BT device to use in the configuration tab and then it should be ready to work. You may need to add Flic Integration after that (can’t remember now).

From memory, once paired, you then need to go to the Dev Tools: Events tab and subscribe to listen for flic_press (or something like that). When you press your Flic button it’s unique ID should appear there for each actuation (single, double, hold) so you can use it in automations.

Lots of faffing aboot and not the easiest install method, but once they work they seem ok.

I imagine having a Flic hub would make the experience much nicer than the standalone button setup, but pricey.

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Many thanks for very good explanation.
My problem is I cannot find flic integration to setup
