Flic button disconnecting from Hass.io?

I’m currently running Hass.io and I’ve setup a Flic button using Flicd and P. Schmitts Hassio Addons

It’s been running fine, but every now and then (i suspect after not using the button for some time), the Flic button disconnects. When i press the button, it flashes red twice which (according to this thead means it is disconnected).

After a reboot, the button works fine again.

Am I doing something wrong, or am i missing a setting, to keep the bluetooth connection alive between the button and my rpi3?

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I am seeing the same issue too.

Tried restart the addon and the issue persisted. Only reboot hass.io fixed the issue.

Just debug it a little bit. reboot the bluetooth and flicd addon did not fix the issue. Only a full reboot on hass.io fixed.

seeing this error in log, but don’t know what it means.

Got unknown hci packet type: 3

I’ve also been having my flics disappear / unassociate from HA almost constantly since 0.70.

I have my flicd server on a seperate rPI Zero dedicated for this. a Restart of HASS seems to bring it back but only for a short time.

Nothing in the logs about them disappearing (I only get the connect messages after restarting).

I’m feeling it might either be a new HASS version or a sudo apt update on the PiZero updating the bluetooth stack that is causing the instability?

I’ve rebuilt my PiZero rasspbian image from scratch and reinstalled flicd yesterday but still same issues.

I’ve just received my flic hub, but there doesn’t seem to be any integration yet for HASS.

Ping again…

Anyone can help debug this issue?

It’s really getting annoying have to reboot hass.io every other day…

I opened this, hope someone can help.


I hade the same issue. It did however go away after turning off the discovery of the addon (once the buttons had been discovered).

#Flic buttons
platform: flic
discovery: false

I came here with the same issue, saw the suggestion from DaKi and can confirm it worked for me too:

Disabling the discovery was what fixed it. I assume this isn’t intended to be left on all the time and may cause some issues with the bluetooth that only a full reboot will solve.