Flic Button Event Type?

I am trying my first automation setting up a flic button to turn on a light.

I have the trigger action working to turn on the light. But I can’t figure out what the event is for a flic button press.

I was hoping there would be something in the log but it’s is silent when I press the flic. The UI shows the flic press but I don’t know what event is generated or how to figure that out.

from the documentation for the component:

the event type is filc_click

# Example configuration.yaml automation entry
  - alias: Turn on lights in living room if flic is pressed once
      platform: event
      event_type: flic_click
        button_name: flic_81e4ac74b6d2
        click_type: single
      service: homeassistant.turn_off
      entity_id: group.lights_livingroom

Man…Why do I keep missing these documentation pages !!! Sorry but thanks for reply.
Feeling really stupid…again…

Can Friendly name be used for button_name or do you need to use the flic_{id} name?