Flight BZ110DB_WS2812 buzzer as signal alert in home. Is that possible?


I don’t thought many when I saw BZ110DB_WS2812 5V 110DB Super Loud Active Buzzer with WS2812 LED Light for RC Drone , just added to the cart and bought. After months spent on shipping pkg has arrived, but I don’t know how to use it.

Bz110db_ws2812 5v 110db super loud active buzzer with ws2812 led light for rc drone fpv racing Sale - Banggood.com

When I have ordered it I don’t think that there is something special, I thought that I can put it into any GPIO output of ESP32/8266 but… I don’t know how to connect it.
So, the 5v IN voltage is clear for me, but there are 2 additional pads, and another one on edge named “OUT”.

Do anyone could help me investigate how to cnnect it ?

Of course I don’t want to use it as drone signal, I wan’t to integrate it as a some kind of loud alarm/siren.

ANy help would be more than helpfull :slight_smile:

Looking at the link, I’m guessing:

GND and +5V self explanitory. :slight_smile:

LED is the connection to the WS2812B LEDs which will go directly to the GPIO port you designate for the LEDs should you decide to use them.

OUT will be the DOUT side of the last WS2812B LED should you wish to connect another series of LEDs to the board. It can be ignored if you don’t want more LEDs.

BZ- likely activates the buzzer, active low.