Flightradar24 Card

I’ve created a customizable card to view flight data from the Flightradar24 Integration.


  • Filter list based on complex custom criteria
  • Calculates distances and directions to observer based on tracker or fixed location
  • Calculates closest passing point and eta for approaching flights
  • Customizable units
  • Configurable toggles to dynamically control filter
  • Optional radar view to visualize flights in relation to observer
  • Zoomable radar view
  • Select flights in radar view (if excluded by filter)
  • Add local features (cities, runways, geographic outlines) to radar view

Require sensor data from Flightradar24 Integration (or compatible) to work.


Installed it via HACS. Reload. Clear cache. no card to use…
The resource line is added in dashboard. Did restart HA… no result

It will not show up as a selectable card, so you must add is as a manual card with

type: custom:flightradar24-card

If it still doesn’t show anything, do you have access to the console log in your browser? Do you see any logged errors?

Very nice, thanks for the share :slight_smile: do you plan to add an option to be able to add in background a map like OSM ?

v0.0.8 Released

  • Custom sorting
  • Filter radar view

Great and powerful card!

Thanks for adding the template documentation and samples. I was able to customize a bit and found a restriction.

I want to translate/change “Alt:”, “Spd:”, “Hdg:” and “Dist:”, but this content is part of your fields “alt_info”, “spd_info”, “hdg_info” and “dist_info”.

Is it possible to exclude it from there?

Try this beta release and see if it has what you need.

I did some tests, but could not get it to work. I want to replace “Dist:” with “Distanz:”. I reloaded 0.0.8 Beta in first test and then downloaded the latest flightradar24-card.js manually.

This is my config:

  aircraft_info: >-
    ${[flight.aircraft_model, flight.aircraft_registration].filter((el) =>
    el).join(" ---- ")}
  origin_info: >-
    ${[flight.airport_origin_city, tpl.departure_info,
    flight.origin_flag].filter((el) => el).join("")}
  destination_info: >-
    ${[flight.airport_destination_city, tpl.arrival_info,
    flight.destination_flag].filter((el) => el).join(" ")}
  flight_status: >-
    <div>${[flight.alt_info, flight.spd_info, flight.hdg_info].filter((el) =>
    el).join(" - ")}</div>
  dist_info: >-
    ${flight.dist_in_unit ? "Distanz: " + flight.dist_in_unit +
    flight.approach_indicator : undefined}
  position_status: >-
    <div>${[tpl.dist_info, flight.direction_info].filter((el) => el).join(" -
  proximity_info: >-
    <div style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">${flight.is_approaching
    && flight.ground_speed > 70 && flight.closest_passing_distance < 15 ?
    `Ankunft in ${Math.round(flight.eta_to_closest_distance)} Minute(n)` :

…and the result:

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This is awesome!

Is there any way to adjust the radii of the rings? I am quite interested in a 10km view, so would love to have the rings at 2km intervals.

Sorry, I’ve been a bit busy lately, and are currently in the process of selling my house. Will get back to this as soon as I can.


Added in v0.0.9 - thanks, @Springvar :+1:

Thanks for the great card, @Springvar

Is there a way to show only the first flight in the list from the Flightradar24 sensor so that only one flight at a time is ever showing?


Is there a way to adjust the size of the radar and hide the info? I’d like to split it into two side-by-side cards to make better use of screen space.

Yes! …to the hiding part anyway

I asked the same question a while back and someone was very helpful.
This is what I ended up with.

radar without the flights:

    - type: custom:flightradar24-card
      no_flights_message: ""
      filter: # filters flight list (not the radar)
        - field: altitude
          comparator: gte
          value: 999999
        range: 5.1
        ring_distance: 1

flights without the radar:

    - type: custom:flightradar24-card
      no_flights_message: Nothing in range.
        - field: distance
          order: desc
        tail_image: >-
          <img style="float: left; margin-right: 5px;"
        header: ${tpl.tail_image}${tpl.flight_info_element}
        hide: true
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