I have a very weird situation where my gas meter doesn’t provide enough gas for my boiler. My gas company says that I have to upgrade my meter, but it will take a while. The only way to fix this situation is to reset the boiler. So I put up a Z-Wave wall switch to reset the boiler when it throws an error that there is not enough gas. Currently I do this by opening HA app on my phone, looking at the camera, if the boiler shows an error message I turn the switch off and on to reset the boiler using HA. This is not very practice when the boiler kicks off in the middle of the night in a 20 degree (F) weather.
How would I write an automation to do the following:
If heat is on
Temperature is dropping
then turn off switch
wait 3 seconds
turn switch on
Can this be accomplished?
Is this not at all possible?
everything is possible
its just a matter of dirty hands/brains/solutions.
but you should add some more info.
If heat is on
Temperature is dropping
maybe someone opens the door / windows…
so i would only take care of the boiler.
facerecon is overkill?
its your boiler and there is a failure light where you can attach some or is it a led panel?
or is it the gaswindows that you watchin on the cam?
The boiler has an LED panel that shows 4 in the large window and E in the small window. The picture is when the boiler is in normal operation. I don’t have any door and window sensors.
just an idea…
use something like an old rpi and an old usb cam
install motion on that rpi and mosquitto client
place the camera that it see the boilerpanel errorlight- and attach some black paper to the rest of the panel.
change the motion.conf to NOT save pictures or videos instead add
threshold 2000
on_event_start mosquitto_pub -h your.hassio.server.ip -p your_hassio_port -u mqtt_username -P mqtt_password -t boiler_alarm -m ON
add this sensor to your config
add a automation that stopps the boilerpower and sets boiler_alarm to OFF.
dirty and mostly out of homeassistent but cheap
Jan.Schmidt, I am not sure if that will work. The boiler panel alwasy changes. For example, when the heat is on it will switch from one code to another and then start showing the rising temperature. You suggestion may work if the panel display the same data all the time. In this situation there will be a lot of confusion for the sensor.
Why can’t my logic work? If the heating is on and if the temperature drops, lets say, 2 degrees then reset the boiler.
try your idea then you really know