Flipdown Timer Card not updating dynamically inside browser_mod.popup

I am using the browser_mod.popup service to display a custom:flipdown-timer-card inside a popup. The card works perfectly when displayed directly in a Lovelace view but does not update dynamically when placed inside a popup.

The category is wrong.
This should have been posted in configuration instead.
This category is for working projects to give others ideas and solutions.

Regarding your problem, then HA is a backend application, which means everything is updated on the server and then at intervals these updates are pushed to clients.
This setup means there can be quite many seconds, maybe even a minute between updates, which is often not ideal for a timer or a clock.

The way the custom cards often do it is to add some frontend control to update the card more often, but in order to do that the card needs to be detected correctly.
My guess is that by using the card in a popup the detection failed and therefore the card is not updated.
You need to make a big report/feature request on the authors page, probably a GitHib page.

If the card is downloaded from HACS, then opening the info page there shoupd reveal a number on the top for issues. Clicking that will bring you directly to the page for creating your request.

what github?
browser mod?
home assistant?

Flip down card

i send but didnt answer me 2 weeks ago

It is only the GitHub page for the card that can help with that.
HA devs have no way to help.

The dev of the card might have a forum thread here though.