Floating Action Button (card)

FAB Card

The FAB Card is a custom Lovelace card for Home Assistant that allows you to place a floating action-button. This card provides a visually appealing way to access common actions or navigate to different parts of your Home Assistant dashboard.


  • Customization: Configure the icons, colors, and positions of the floating button to match your dashboard’s theme.


HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)

  1. Go to HACS page on your Home Assistant instance
  2. Add this repository (GitHub - bhuebschen/fab-card) via HACS Custom repositories How to add Custom Repositories
  3. Select Frontend
  4. Press add icon and search for FAB Card
  5. Select FAB Card repo and install
  6. Force refresh the Home Assistant page (Ctrl + F5 / (Shift +) + R)
  7. Add fab-card to your page

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.


  1. Download the ‘fab-card.js’ from the latest [release][release-url] (with right click, save link as)
  2. Place the downloaded file on your Home Assistant machine in the config/www folder (when there is no www folder in the folder where your configuration.yaml file is, create it and place the file there)
  3. In Home Assistant go to Configuration->Lovelace Dashboards->Resources (When there is no resources tag on the Lovelace Dashboard page, enable advanced mode in your account settings, and retry this step)
  4. Add a new resource
    1. Url = /local/fab-card.js.js
    2. Resource type = module
  5. Force refresh the Home Assistant page (Ctrl + F5 / (Shift +) + R)
  6. Add fab-card to your page


Here’s an example configuration for the FAB Card:

type: 'custom:fab-card'
button_color: '#FF5722'
icon_color: '#FFFFFF'
active_color: '#2257FF'
icon: 'mdi:menu'
  action: navigate
  navigation_path: '/lovelace/1'
# Example for service call:
# action:
#   action: call-service
#   service: light.turn_on
#   service_data:
#     entity_id: light.living_room
entity: light.living_room
  - 'on'
  - 'home'
left: false



Name Type Requirement Description Default
type string Required custom:fab-card
button_color string Optional Background color of the button --primary-color
icon_color string Optional Color of the icon --text-primary-color
active_color string Optional Background color of the button when active --accent-color
icon string Required Icon to display on the FAB button mdi:menu
action object Required Action to perform when the button is clicked
action.action string Required Type of action (navigate, call-service, etc.)
action.navigation_path string Optional Path to navigate to (required if action is navigate)
action.service string Optional Service to call (required if action is call-service)
action.service_data object Optional Data to include with the service call (required if action is call-service)
entity string Optional Entity to monitor for state changes
positive_states list Optional List of states considered positive ['true', 'on', 'open', 'active', 'detected', 'occupied', 'unlocked', 'home', 'above_horizon', 'ready']
left boolean Optional Position the button on the left side false


After installation, you can add the fab-card to your Lovelace dashboard using the sample configuration provided above. Customize the card by setting the desired options in your YAML configuration

Issues & Contributions:

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-16 um 22.08.16