Flood of messages every time I conncet to Android Auto

So in the past 6 month I’ve started to recieve a flod of old messages when I connect to Android Auto. Thes are only HA messages the I generated in the past. Can’t figure out why this is happening or if there is a way to configure to display only new messages. Any suggestions?

Also, this is the format of the Notify messages that I am sending…

   "message":"{{now().strftime('%I:%M %p')}} - Garage door is closed",
   "data": {
       "ttl": 0,
       "priority": "high",   <<<=== can this be the cause?
       "sticky":"true",       <<<=== or this?
       "actions": [
               "title":"CLICK HERE TO OPEN CAMERA",

Edit: Oh I see old messages you sent to the car? sounds like https://github.com/home-assistant/android/issues/4422

unfortunately its out of the apps control.

That’s it exactly! At least I now know that i’m not the only one with this issue.