Flood Sensor Not Showing All Functions (Fibaro / Z-Wave / Temperature)

I’m using ZwaveJS2MQTT and have two Fibaro Flood sensors which I included a few weeks back

Was just coming to set up some temperature monitoring which I used on my previous system and noticed that I have something strange going on…

One of my flood sensors does not include a temperature value at all…

One of my flood sensors includes (as standard) the air temperature value:

yet it doesn’t seem to be working - it’s been static since install

Both of these devices are the same model, (FW version is actually higher by 0.1 on the device showing less…) and this function has worked correctly on my previous hub, so I know the devices are not at fault… but I have no idea why I am seeing this inconsistent (and seemingly broken) behavior…

It would appear that something is awry in the configuration since I have many more options available to me in the ZwaveJS2MQTT settings
for the one device

compared to the other device

Can anyone advise how I might diagnose this issue?

EDIT: Still digging and worth noting that the temperature measurement interval and differential is set to 5mins and 0.5 degrees so should be working as expected

Try a re-interview.

Will that remove any associations that have been set?

I wouldn’t expect it to. You can just re-add them after if it did? Re-interview is the first step to do with nodes that are acting incorrectly.

Okay, I’ll make a note just to be sure before I do it tomorrow :+1:t2:

Are the associations configured correctly to begin with?

I believe so. They work at least!

Well, I’ve re-interviewed and this time I have got the additional sensors appearing… however they still don’t appear to be working

At this moment in time they’re both sat next to each other on my stairs (above my zwave controller) and I’m reading 24.44 °C on one device and 18.42 °C on the other… that hasn’t changed since i set them up.
For contrast another temperature sensing device in that area is reading 19°C so it would seem that the one device at least read it correctly in the first place

The settings all say that they should be reporting in, but clearly not (or maybe they are but the temperature isn’t registering, unsure)

FWIW, to note for anyone else, it does appear that the associations are unchanged in the re-interview, although I have noticed that many of my devices have a “lifeline” association which neither of these seem to have - unsure if that might be a problem? (it has a device status instead)

Okay, in case anyone comes here looking for similar things…

I think I’ve established that the problem is the labels on this particular device’s associations are all screwed up for associations

This is what the UI states:

And this is what the documentation states


Totally different… I had an association set up which just so happened to work, but it had killed the lifeline.
The lifeline is actually the one labelled “Flood Alarm”
Tilt & Tamper is actually Flood Control

I need to do a little more testing but is seems having Flood Alarm linked to the controller and Tilt & Tamper acting as the flood association is working as I want

Urgh… okay, maybe not…
It works with one of the devices but not the other… and none of them are reporting their state to Home Assistant still…

This is really frustrating

I’ve removed the device and re-added the device but actually the associations still wont disappear and I think the lack of lifeline might be causing a problem

EDIT: Okay - I think it is working… after resetting both devices and setting up back as it was before it seems to be working… for some reason on occasion the flood sensor doesnt report that it’s dry again back to the controller but honestly in a flood situation I can deal with that

What’s also weird is that the plug that I’m associating with doesnt report it’s state to HA either - no idea why that is

So while it looked like the temperature was updating while I was messing about today, it seems it has now gone back to not updating

According to my settings it should be reporting in every ten minutes :confused:

For what it’s worth, I’m experiencing the exact same issues. It used to work great with Vera.

Fibaro support was ZERO help.

Well, glad it’s not just me… I gave up on it and moved in to other issues

I haven’t moved on yet but need to. The temp readings were important for me in my logic. I’m not sure if I need to look at a new flood sensor (I have over a dozen) or just compliment the existing sensors with their own temp.

I like Fibaro’s products but they’re stubborn as a company. If it’s not their controller, they don’t seem to care.

Totally agree. Solid products but they only care about their own walled garden. Which is quite odd as I bet the vast majority of their devices aren’t used with their controllers…

I’ve complemented with different temp sensors, tho far from ideal, would like the flood sensor reading properly!!