Have anyone had any luck integrating the Danfoss Icon system into Home Assistant?
Have anyone had any luck integrating the Danfoss Icon system into Home Assistant?
I am also looking for an integration with Danfoss Icon system which we will use for our floor heating in our new house.
Any way to get started?
I discover this system thank to this thread. I’m very interested as currently my floor heating system is not smart at all. I will dig in the documentation and try to have an estimation of costs.
Have you already analysed the competition or the DIY alternatives ? If yez what are the pros and cons ?
Danfoss Icon control system have App module (Product code: 088U1101), with this module you can use Danfoss Icon Apps (Android and iOS).
Danfoss Icon App features:
• Adjust home heating from anywhere in the world
• The floor heating system will continue to be fully operational without internet connection
• Use living zone to schedule and set temperature for multiple rooms – or schedule and set each room temperature individually
• Control thermostats in multiple locations (e.g. holiday home)
• Frost protection, weekly schedule, “Away”/”At Home” mode, “Vacation” mode and “Pause” mode
• Receive notifications/warnings about important system events
• Access dedicated support and troubleshooting directly from the App
• Secure wireless communication through a safe cloud system based on the same security that is used in mobile banking applications.
But this App module don’t have any integration with Home Assistant.
Yeah I also came to that conclusion. Too bad!
Maybe I will just go with the tado option when I expand my house next time.
I wrote an email to danfoss asking them about integration in Home Assistant. They said that they are ready to provide an API for the integration.
Their answer (google translated):
Physically, the ZigBee Module connects to the APP port on the Master Controller instead of the Application Module.
To integrate with other systems, you must request an API in Denmark through us, as well as get explanations and examples of work. The API is not universal and requires some clarification during the integration process, and our Danish colleagues are ready to provide them.
Anyone had some luck with an integration yet?
@mihail4anov that’s great findings ! Would you have the email address to which you ask ? I’ll try to request an access to the API to try to create a custom HA component.
I wrote an email to the contacts from Russsian Danfoss department web page. Try to find an email in web page of your country. They usually very open to conversation.
Hello again.
Do you get the answer from Danfoss?
How is the integration going?
This is the link of my request to Zigbee2mqtt.
Well, there is some news as Deconz 2.10.1 has initial support for Danfoss icon, and Kane610 has started the integration for the HA Deconz component. See there !
Hi! I have the Danfoss Icon system (with App Module) running in my OpenHAB installation; was considering about porting the integration to HA, is there appetite for this?
Oh wow progress! Yes please!!!
Note that there is an issue in case you have multiple Icon controllers in Master / Slave mode. Today Danfoss support confirmed to me that they are familiar with it and there is no planning for a fix at the moment. So, it will only work when you have 1 Icon Main Controller.
What kind of issues?
What is wrong?
Is it possible to bypass the issue by not Connecting two controllers together?
I have 2 Icon Main Controllers (088U1141) which are wirelessly connected via (088U1103) radio modules and use ‘Slave type A’ to control my heat pump. There are wireless thermostats (088U1081) in all rooms.
In that case Zigbee modules are not working properly, they blame it on Zigbee (without any details).
I think it will work if you disconnect them but in my case (slave type A) this is not possible because this MC is switching my heat pump on or off.
I also asked for Icon2, the successor of Icon, which supports Zigbee natively. They replied me that the same issue occurs also here. So I hope they solve it soon!
Do I understand it correctly that your solution is working with the 088U1101 APP module (instead of the 088U1130 Zigbee module)?
I have mistakenly bought the app module, instead of the zigbee module. So I am also very interested if the Wifi app module can be integrated.
Thank you.