Floorplan and Text

Hi all,

I am slowly getting to grips with HA and Floorplan - I have the whole hose drawn up using square boxes and all working as expected.

Now I need to move on to text, which you will think is simple, but if it does not even show up, there is an issue.

Using InkScape and the tutorial here (https://github.com/pkozul/ha-floorplan/blob/master/own-floorplan-svg-file-tutorial.md) I can add text to the drawing and set the ID but when I view the drawing in HA, all the text is gone, does not matter what I try. Even not setting the ID and keeping it random, I still cannot see ANY text, which is really weird. I checked, not under another object.

Anyone seen this behavior of no text showing up in HA even though it is set in the editor?

You may be having a cache problem on the browser. Try CTRL+F5 to force refresh or clear the browser’s cache.

Done that, different browsers and still nothing.

I eventually opened the original SVG that came with FloorPlan, copied the text that was in there into my SVG and it shows up in HA when you open it in Chrome. I have absolutely NO idea why that is as they both looks like TEXT objects to me, just the InkScape text does not show where as the copied text shows fine!

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Seems like Im having the same problem.
You say that you copied the text from the original SVG. can you be more precise what text/part you are talking about?

Any other solution or how to debug this?
I manage to control/toggle things like switches, but to display a simple text string from an MTQQ sensor. NO :confused:

my example With entity id: sensor.vp_stue_actual
in the same floorplan i have an working light switch.

MTQQ sensor:


  • platform: mqtt
    state_topic: ‘VP_Stue/TargetTemp’
    name: ‘VP_Stue_Target’
    unit_of_measurement: ‘dgr.C’
    value_template: ‘{{ value | round(1) }}’

floorplan.yaml :
- name: text_states
- sensor.vp_stue_actual
text_template: ‘${entity.state ? entity.state : “undefined”}’

the svg file have a textbox With id: sensor.vp_stue_actual

I must be doing something wrong here. please help me.




in Inkscape,
First select your textbox, then On the toolbar -> text. Select unflow text.

You may need to reenter the entity-id.

Hope this helps.

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