Floorplan as media player

I’m using Tenpole’s Floorplan config to display a default view of my alarm status, weather, and a few buttons. A few questions if I may?

  1. With the buttons, should it be possible to click ANYWHERE on the circle to trigger the action? I’m finding it’s varying between my buttons/sensors whether I have to either avoid the entity and click the outer portion of the circle or the reverse, with buttons, to trigger scripts?

  2. If I wanted to click a button to show a media player, what’s the best way to go about this? I want to be able to offer the user choices like turn on BBC Radio 6, BBC Radio 4 etc.

  3. Has anyone got a means of displaying the schedule or ‘currently playing’ for BBC Radio? That’s without relying on the media player sending back ‘currently playing’. i.e. I’m wanting to either tap into the BBC API somehow, access a third party service, or scrape from the BBC website. Just wondered if someone has already done this?!