Floorplan for Home Assistant

@Ross_Davey, I have the same behaviour: http://has01:8123/local/custom_ui/floorplan/ha-floorplan.html displays a white page. It is the normal behaviour.

Did you got the latest version of Floorplan? Your issue looks similar to last month’s safari bug. Also check the name of the frontend file, it was recently renamed from frontend.html to frontend.yaml.

My suggestion is to download again the Floorplan zip from github, and redo all the configuration steps as there have been some changes in the last weeks to make it compatible with the changes in HA 0.53.

As far as I can read from the instructions, the frontend.yaml file is only needed if your using a custom card on the front end so I cant see that this is whats causing my issue.

Im not using a custom pannel on the front end. I am using a custom panel as you can see in my screenshot

The coloured wheel just keeps spinning

Can you try in a Private Window in Safari and/or another browser? It may be invalid cache

Other questions to help debugging:

  1. Can you try with Chrome?
  2. Any error in console? (Safari -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Show Develop menu, then Develop -> Show javascript console)
  3. Version of HA and version of Floorplan?
  4. If you setup Floorplan as a state card, does it work?

I have access to both a mac and PC.

Same issue across all browsers.

I am running HA version 0.53.0 and downloaded the latest version of floor plan as of Sunday.

I haven’t tried a state card but can give it a go

For everyone with problems
In Chrome: Website information (fav-icon) -> Cookies -> delete Service Worker and Local Storage -> Ctrl+F5


Attempting to use a custom state card as outlined on the GitHub instructions in “Option 1: Floorplan custom state card”

The card shows up but is BLANK! Can anyone tell me where fronted.yaml is meant to go and how you reference it in the code? No where on the GitHub page mentions where it goes or what to do with it…

Ok Ive fixed the floorplan custom panel from my original issue.

What I now cant get working is the front end panel…shows as blank

I believe there is currently an issue with custom state cards…

hey I posted the solution above and Andrey is working on a fix…

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@Ross_Davey I added the info below to the doco on GitHub. Let me know if it helps in getting your floorplan to show as a state card…

To allow the above file to be served by Home Assistant, add it to the frontend section of your Home Assistant configuration:

    - /local/custom_ui/state-card-floorplan.html

Thank you Pkozul

I have this in place already and its working as a custom panel

Im still having issues with it showing blank on as a state card

Hitting a bit of a dead end here :frowning: Can someone point me in the right direction?

I’m trying to improvise a way to use dimmable lights on my floorplan. To achieve this I’m looking at adding two seperate icons for each light. The first to toggle the light when pushed, the second to show the default popup for dimmable light which includes a slider for the level.

I can get both of them working seperately but not together.
If I want to show the info popup I can leave the action blank in my floorplan.yaml

    - name: Lights
         - light.lamp_2_level
         - light.lamp_3_level
        - state: 'on'
          class: 'light-on'
        - state: 'off'
          class: 'light-off'

This info popup shows a lot of useless info like node id, value id, entity id’s etc but at least it has a slider so it will have to do)

Alternativly I can specify an action which toggles the light

    - name: Lights
         - light.lamp_2_level
         - light.lamp_3_level
        - state: 'on'
          class: 'light-on'
        - state: 'off'
          class: 'light-off'
        - service: toggle
          domain: homeassistant 

But in both scenarios I need to assign id = light.lamp_2_level to the icon in the svg.
How can I use two seperate icons both related to the same light but specifying a different action?

Or alternatively, have any of you implemented a better way of handling dimmable lights in your floorplan?


Hi @Cpete. Can you check my post in the other thread and give that a go?

Make sure to grab the latest floorplan file from the ‘camera-images’ branch:


How are you getting text to word wrap in an area? I have a sensor that can generate a long text message and would like it to wrap within a certain area. I have tried the flow thing built in to Inkscape, but that doesn’t actually show the message in the defined area. I worked on this most of the night and it is driving me absolutely bonkers.

@atomicpapa check here and the messages below:

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Thank you! I got it up and running!

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I’m having trouble with the lights. When I press they often don’t respond. I believe it’s the double click issue previously mentioned because sometimes I see them flicker on-off. Some lights are worse than others.
Is this still a problem? Any solution?

@ ferges

This was made with https://home.by.me , a cool & free web application


Nice. I will have a play!