Floorplan: (graphical) editor for picture-elements?

Hi everyone,

I manged to create a quick interface to toggle my lights in the house, by use of the “picture-elements” card:

As you can see, on top you can select the floorlevel. Each floor level has its own picture and some elements (entities with state-icon) on top of it. On the sides I placed some “buttons” (entities with state-badge).

So far so good, but is is really hard to add new entities and/or locate the icons on the right place because the whole thing is one big yaml file and very hard to maintain.

So I’m wondering, is there some tool where you can “drag & drop” the entities on their correct position? (In the past, I managed to do this in Domoticz, which had a GUI to add and place entities.)

kind regards,
Bart Plessers