Floorplan multiple objects for the same switch?

Dear all,

I would like some help in floorplan, as i have made the plan and the light icons to turn green when it is on and such, now im trying to make like a control panel, buttons that toggle on/off the light.
But i cannot use the Same ID (switch.light) for 2 different SVG objects to toggle on/off the the switch.light entity in home assistant.

is there a way to toggle on/off the switch.light entity while using different ID ?

Thank you !

You could create and input_boolean, then make a quick automation that when triggered turns light on/off.
Then you could use the input_boolean ID in the svg.

Or try grouping. Select both objects (select the first, then hold shift and select the second), and go to Object → Group to put them in a single group. Then you can give the group an ID. (although these will still have same css class)

Or try the new camera fork of floorplan which I believe allows 2 sort of instances (havnt tried just yet)

best of luck

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