Floorplan SVG images for On/Off not aligned

Hi all, sorry but I’m a bit newbee. I’ve tried almost everything and double checked SVG format, size, position, etc, but I’m not able to center rooms on the floorplan. They are unscaled and moved to the right upper corner. Any ideas? here you are the code

    - badges: []
      - config:
          image: /local/floorplan/planta_baja.svg?v=1.1.15
          log_level: error
          more_info: true
           - action:
              service: homeassistant.toggle
             element: light.terraza
             entity: light.terraza
             image_template: '/local/floorplan/terraza_${entity.state}.svg'
             state: image
           - action:
              service: homeassistant.toggle
             element: light.salon
             entity: light.salon
             image_template: '/local/floorplan/salon_${entity.state}.svg'
             state: image
           - action:
              service: homeassistant.toggle
             element: light.cocina
             entity: light.cocina
             image_template: '/local/floorplan/cocina_${entity.state}.svg'
             state: image
           - action:
              service: homeassistant.toggle
             element: light.estudio
             entity: light.estudio
             image_template: '/local/floorplan/estudio_${entity.state}.svg'
             state: image
        type: 'custom:floorplan-card'
        # title: Planta Baja
    icon: 'mdi:floor-plan'
    panel: true
    path: Planta Baja

Your code is correct, you have to align correctly on Inkscape, I had the same issue.