Floorplan temperature


i have question:

with my sensor in my floorplan a used this script and I work fine. But when a click on my plan, I cannot change the temperature for my climate

  • name: Sensors
    - sensor.bureau_temperature
    text_template: '${entity.state ? entity.state : “unknown”}
    class_template: ’
    var temp = parseFloat(entity.state.replace("¡", “”));
    if (temp < 10)
    return “temp-very-low”;
    else if (temp < 15)
    return “temp-below-average”;
    else if (temp < 21)
    return “temp-medium”;
    return “temp-very-high”;

now with my climate i test this but i don’t work, can you help me?

        - name: climate

            - climate.sinope_climate_bureau
          text_template: '${entity.state ? entity.attributes.current_temperature + "°" : "undefined"}'
          class_template: '  
            var temp = parseFloat(entity.state.replace("¡", ""));
            if (temp < 10)
              return "temp-very-low";
            else if (temp < 19)
              return "temp-below-average";
            else if (temp < 21)
              return "temp-medium";
              return "temp-very-high";

Sensor.entity will not allow value change.
What entity you use for change climate value?

I not use floorplan but I imagine you must set on-click value to change the climate.enyity it some other entity that affect temp setting.

Again, I not use floorplan so I may be completely wrong


if i do understand what you want - control the climate over floorplan…

i would add two “dummy” switches in HA & Floorplan
one switch for “increase temperature” and the other for “decrease temperature”
now you must find a way everytime that switch is triggered your climatecontroller does what you want.