Floorplan UI with Color synced lights

Yeah, so you need to remove underneath day:

{{ strptime(states(‘sensor.date’), ‘%Y-%m-%d’).day }}

So your configuration should look like this:

  ## Converts time and date into sentence for UI
    value_template: >
      {% set days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] %}
      {{ days[now().weekday()] }}

    value_template: >
      {% set months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] %}
      {{ strptime(states('sensor.date'), '%Y-%m-%d').day }}
      {{ months[now().month-1] }}

    friendly_name: "Full Date"
    value_template: "{{ states('sensor.day') }}, {{ states('sensor.month') }} {{ now().year }}"

That did the trick for me.

perfect. thank you.

For anybody interested, I’m slowly getting to grips with this, there are a few bits I took out, but here is my floorplan so far!

I’ve got to say it has been a steep learning curve, I’m using a number of custom integrations by @lukevink, which I’m thankful for! My house is quite thin, so needed a landscape layout. I think I’ve screwed up the underlay on the nav bar, but this has taken me about a week or so.
@lukevink Sorry I’ve butchered your design. I’ve only got this page sorted so far, but slow progress is better than no progress.


So I’m trying to get this mini weather card looking like yours, but it seems like it’s not reading any of the css? The weather card looks the same both with and without the css.

          - backdrop: false
            entity: weather.hjem
            name: ' '
            style: |
              :host {
                left: 31.4%;
                top:  85.5%;
                width: 17%;
                height: 7% !important;
                overflow: hidden;
                height: 8.5vw;
                background: none  !important;
                box-shadow: none !important;
                font-size: 1vw !important;
              ha-card {
                background: none  !important;
                box-shadow: none !important;
                flex-flow: row-reverse !important;
                padding: 0 !important;
                display : none !important;
                flex-grow: 1;
                min-height: 0 !important;
                height: 2.4vw;
                margin-left: 0.6vw;
                margin-right:0.5% !important;
                margin-top: -3%;
                width: 2vw !important;
                height: 2vw !important;
                flex: 0 0 2vw !important;
              action: navigate
              navigation_path: /lovelace/4
            type: 'custom:simple-weather-card'

Without css on top and with css on bottom

@lukevink - I dont suppose you would consider creating a rain forecast card that works with other weather apps would you? I cant figure out how to get it to display, let alone work with something like darksky.

You might want to check this out: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/apexcharts-card-a-highly-customizable-graph-card/272877/265 You can build your own with this graph card, I’ve gotten ot to work for openweathermap.

I’ve got the mini-graph card that will give an output, but I cannot figure out how to have the prediction as a timeline rather than individual entities…

That’s where the apex charts card comes in handy. It has a data generator function which is able to read your weather’s attributes. Check out the forum thread posted above, there’s examples on how to do it.

hello this dashboard is very nicely made & would you be able to share your dashboard config or do you have a github would be fine so i can also view and learn something like that? thanks in advance

how to solve this problem with updating time?

@lukevink Hello. I noticed that on dashboard 0 the clock does not update automatically it gets freeze, it is necessary refresh browser, so that the hours are updated. In the rest of the lovelace dashboards there is no such problem. Is it a problem with Browser_mod? I was thinking of using the browser_mod.window_reload service. Do you think it can work?

1 Like

Hi, we’re you able to solve this…I’m having the same issue. -thanks

Hi everyone,

I’ve successfully got this dashboard configured except it can’t get the lights to pop up the browser_mod.popup. I can toggle the light on and off but when I press and hold, nothing happens. Any ideas? I’m going crazy.

            - entity: light.living_room_chandelier_local
                action: call-service
                service: browser_mod.popup
                      - entities:
                          - entity: light.living_room_chandelier_local
                            secondary_info: last-changed
                          z-index: 5
                        type: entities
                      - cards:
                          - cards:
                              - brightness: false
                                color_picker: false
                                effects_list: false
                                entity: light.living_room_chandelier_local
                                full_width_sliders: true
                                header: false
                                persist_features: true
                                show_slider_percent: false
                                smooth_color_wheel: true
                                type: 'custom:light-entity-card'
                                style: |
                                    ha-card {
                                      box-shadow: none !important;
                              - brightness: false
                                color_temp: false
                                entity: light.living_room_chandelier_local
                                full_width_sliders: true
                                header: false
                                persist_features: true
                                show_slider_percent: false
                                smooth_color_wheel: true
                                type: 'custom:light-entity-card'
                                style: |
                                    ha-card {
                                      box-shadow: none !important;
                            column_height: 1
                            layout: vertical
                            type: 'custom:layout-card'
                          - entities:
                              - color_temp: true
                                entity: light.living_room_chandelier_local
                                header: false
                                persist_features: true
                                type: 'custom:light-slider-card'
                            show_header_toggle: false
                            style: |
                                  height: 100%;
                                  z-index: 0;  
                                ha-card {
                                  box-shadow: none !important;
                            type: entities
                        column_num: 2
                        layout: horizontal
                          - 60%
                          - 40%
                        type: 'custom:layout-card'
                    type: 'custom:vertical-stack-in-card'
                    - this
                    '--ha-card-border-radius': 0vw 0vw 0.8vw 0.8vw
                    border-radius: 0.8vw
                    opacity: 0.9
                  title: Cabinet
              icon: 'mdi:lamp'
                '--iron-icon-height': 1.7vw
                '--iron-icon-width': 1.7vw
                '--paper-item-icon-active-color': '#000000'
                '--paper-item-icon-color': darkgrey
                align-items: center
                background-color: '#FFFFFF'
                border-radius: 100%
                box-shadow: '0px 0px 28px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.39)'
                display: flex
                height: 3vw
                justify-content: center
                left: 72.5%
                margin-left: '-1.5vw'
                margin-top: '-1.5vw'
                top: 54.5%
                transform: scale(1.2)
                width: 3vw
                action: toggle
              type: state-icon

can someone give me hint what went wrong in the overlay?
I just changed the entity to my media player.

Same problem here! (and I do not use Browser_mod)
Please let me know if you can solve it


I’m at the point where I will literally pay someone to help me get the light popup window when I hold on a state icon :joy:

I cannot figure it out for the life of me.

            - entity: light.guest_closet_2

                action: call-service
                service: browser_mod.popup
                      - entities:
                          - entity: light.guest_closet_2
                            secondary_info: last-changed
                          z-index: 5
                        type: entities
                      - cards:
                          - cards:
                              - brightness: false
                                color_picker: false
                                effects_list: false
                                entity: light.guest_closet_2
                                full_width_sliders: true
                                header: false
                                persist_features: true
                                show_slider_percent: false
                                smooth_color_wheel: true
                                type: 'custom:light-entity-card'
                                style: |
                                    ha-card {
                                      box-shadow: none !important;
                              - brightness: false
                                color_temp: false
                                entity: light.guest_closet_2
                                full_width_sliders: true
                                header: false
                                persist_features: true
                                show_slider_percent: false
                                smooth_color_wheel: true
                                type: 'custom:light-entity-card'
                                style: |
                                    ha-card {
                                      box-shadow: none !important;
                            column_height: 1
                            layout: vertical
                            type: 'custom:layout-card'
                          - entities:
                              - color_temp: true
                                entity: light.guest_closet_2
                                header: false
                                persist_features: true
                                type: 'custom:light-slider-card'
                            show_header_toggle: false
                            style: |
                                  height: 100%;
                                  z-index: 0;  
                                ha-card {
                                  box-shadow: none !important;
                            type: entities
                        column_num: 2
                        layout: horizontal
                          - 60%
                          - 40%
                        type: 'custom:layout-card'
                    type: 'custom:vertical-stack-in-card'
                    - this
                    - dashboard
                    '--ha-card-border-radius': 0vw 0vw 0.8vw 0.8vw
                    border-radius: 0.8vw
                    opacity: 0.9
                  title: Cabinet
              icon: 'mdi:lamp'
                '--iron-icon-height': 1.7vw
                '--iron-icon-width': 1.7vw
                '--paper-item-icon-active-color': '#000000'
                '--paper-item-icon-color': darkgrey
                align-items: center
                background-color: '#FFFFFF'
                border-radius: 100%
                box-shadow: '0px 0px 28px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.39)'
                display: flex
                height: 3vw
                justify-content: center
                left: 72.5%
                margin-left: '-1.5vw'
                margin-top: '-1.5vw'
                top: 54.5%
                transform: scale(1.2)
                width: 3vw
                action: toggle
              type: state-icon

Do any other popups via browser-mod work?

Hi @lukevink

It works great but I’m having a weird issue that whenever I’m turning off/on a light it seems like the whole view is refreshed which causing a flickering effect which is pretty unwanted :confused:
Am I missing something? does anyone else have this issue?


Can anyone tell what goes wrong in this syntax. I tried a lot but I can’t figure it out. I expect it’s something simple but I don’t see it anymore.

type: 'custom:config-template-card'
  - light.go
  type: picture-elements
  image: /local/home/downstairs_go_white.png
    - type: image
      entity: light.go
      tap_action: none
      hold_action: none
      action: none
      image:  /local/home/downstairs_go_white.png
        filter: >-
          ${ "hue-rotate(" + (states['light.go'].attributes.hs_color ?
          states['light.go'].attributes.hs_color[0] : 0) + "deg)"}
        left: 50%
        mix-blend-mode: lighten
        top: 50%
        width: 100%

I don’t have a syntax-error in the sense that I can’t store it but the second part of

${ "hue-rotate(" + (states['light.go'].attributes.hs_color ?
          states['light.go'].attributes.hs_color[0] : 0) + "deg)"}

also after the ? doesn’t color the same as the first part where ‘hue-rotate’ and ‘light.go’ are blue and ‘states’ is white where in the second line everything is orange except ’ : 0) ’ + (white) and ’ “deg)” ’ (blue) so there must be some sort of syntax-error left.

hey there! did this ever happen? I have the same issue, unable to do a similar style