Hi guys, my Flux platform broke few updates earlier and I have not found a way to fix it. The problem is that it does not change the color temp in steps but instantly from 4000 to 1900 (TRADFRIbulbE27WSglobeopal1055lm). I have been using this config for a loong time without a problem, but now it just doesn’t work as before. I am unsure if my lights used to have this range of color_temp but now it is 250-454. If this range is used in the config an error occurs in the log, that this range is not supported. Could anyone help me with this, please?
- platform: flux
name: Pokojicek Flux
- light.0x0c4314fffe1b054f
- light.0x2c1165fffec2493d
- light.0x50325ffffefea6f3
- light.0x50325ffffefea7ec
- light.0x2c1165fffebbbdfc
- light.0x2c1165fffe678455
- light.0x2c1165fffebdb24b
- light.0x2c1165fffebbbf1a
- light.0x187a3efffe2c9c3e #dole
- light.0xf4b3b1fffec40b63 #dole
- light.0x84ba20fffead8c1f #dole
start_time: "07:00"
stop_time: "20:00"
start_colortemp: 4000
sunset_colortemp: 3000
stop_colortemp: 1900
mode: mired
disable_brightness_adjust: true
transition: 1
interval: 60