Flux Led/MagicLight don't work since few updated

I have this working - kind of - the problem I have is that if I turn the light on, it randomly turns itself off again after a few seconds - reflected in the lovelace UI. I can’t work out why. There is nothing in the log but should I enable increased debug?

Your patch has made the LED Strip controller more reliable (ARILUX® SL-LC 03 Super Mini LED WIFI APP Controller), thank you. This should be pushed to the core hass.io repository.

We’re you able to make it work on HA?
Can you share configuration.yaml code?

Is controller in same vlan as HA or another vlan but open to HA vlan?

Did you had to download any content to custom_components folder?


I solved this problem using homebridge, I installed this plugin https://github.com/Zacknetic/HomebridgeMagicHome-DynamicPlatform it detects all devices automatically, it doesn’t need any configuration, just install. After configuring the homebridge, the home assistant will detect a new integration of the homekit automatically and together with it will bring all the devices that the homebridge found, works perfectly and without any delay.

I have been struggling with this for a while now - created the customer component as par the above and the needed files and in my config I have entered -

  - platform: flux_led
    scan_interval: 0.10
        name: Kitchen Strip 2
        protocol: 'ledenet'
        mode: rgbw

However, it still does not work. in the logs I get -

2020-12-31 16:59:16 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.light] Updating flux_led light took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:00.500000

repeated over and over again…

Any ideas?

Anyone help with the above question?

thank you! all working well, except for the effects. Anyone has any ideas on how to make them function?

Hello @hudsonbrendon ,
I’ve same problem and this could be the right solution!
Is there a little guide? Or at least what to do in major steps? I’m on a docker setup on a Synology NAS.
Thanks :slight_smile:

with the latest HA install, even after following the instruction above, clearing browser cache still cant seem to find the Flux-led integration under integrations. What are we missing here ?

it works perfectly (even having HA on docker on RPi4)


Check the official docs again, Flux LED/MagicLight - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)

Was changed back to yaml because of the issue you are describing

Here is what I am experiencing if anyone has any tips I’m all ears…
If I turn on the led lights with remote and they are on and I start HA, I can see and change the colors and turn them off, once I do I lose control and the lights and I have to use the Magic Hue app to turn them on again or the remote.

Here is my code in config.


  • platform: flux_led
    name: Playroom Led Lights
    mode: “rgbw”
    protocol: ‘ledenet’
    name: Cabana Led Lights
    mode: “rgbw”
    protocol: ‘ledenet’
    name: Dining Led Lights
    mode: “rgbw”
    protocol: ‘ledenet’