Folders for Automations

I know that this has been mentioned many times, but it is still my nr 1 feature request.
Like many, I have hundreds of automations. I have given these number codes (example: Kitchen devices are 18-01; 18-02 etc; Laundry Room devices are 16-01; 16-02 etc ), but there should be something better and smarter !!!
An update on this FR would be greatly appreciated.

Name them what ever you like, in as many folders you need

I dont think that this addresses my feature request and if it does, it is way too complicated (for me).

You want to create folding structure on the ui level of on storage level? Second message is about storage level but they will still be listed as one big list

So instead of writing 18-01 you want to write 18/01??

Maybe he want to remove the “Search and Filter” function, and replace it with a “file-manager” structure in UI ?

Please don’t post repeated FRs

Please search before you create a feature request.

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