For energy dashboard, option to change from kWh to %


I think it would be a nice and useful option to have the capability to switch the units for the bar type enegy graph from kWh to % (against the analyzed period) so it gives user more accurate feedback about the actual energy distribution among the different energy sources or consumers.

If you are only interested in the visual, as a way around, you can use the Sankey Chart for a detailed distribution.
For the values you can use Grafana or maybe as a none addon solution, apex-charts.

I read Sankey Chart allows to display Power W and Energy KWh but for Energy, does Sankey Chart allows the Energy distribution/breakdown be displayed for a specified time period (without making use of Utility meter) as teh HA energy dashboard allows?

Yes with the autoconfig GitHub - MindFreeze/ha-sankey-chart: A Home Assistant lovelace card to display a sankey chart. For example for power consumption

You add the date picker from the energy dashboard to your dashboard and select the time through that.

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