If I create an automation like below, will that force my phones to publish and update? As I am finding that they are working fine but often just stop for no reason… This on Android.
You can simply check it with any mqtt client. Subscribe to owntracks topic and publish command through Hass. You should see response.
Actually I use it to track my car. When I drive Hass forces phone location update every 5 min and than publishes car location with same coordinates.
I found that you have to leave owntracks run behind your phone all the time. This will keep the location and battery update to your HA. I use both android and iphone. Location from owntrakcs and battery are more accurate and real time when you leave them run behind your phone.
that is what I thought… it works perfectly with 2 iBeacons, but for tracking it is fine for short periods, but then just stops, until it is detected via the iBeacon and back in action.
EDIT, I did try with OwnTracks_HTTP, but that is the same.
this is my config
- platform: owntracks
track_new_devices: yes
max_gps_accuracy: 200
waypoints: True
- mark
- helen
ah I was. I did have the cmd and it still didn’t work previously… Now I am feeling a tad stupid, I had renamed the devices to have CAPITALS and didn’t change the User and Device basically mark/mark should be Mark/Mark and now it works a treat. Thanks for your help…