"force_update" for esphome native API discovered device sensors?

Hi all,

when using MQTT sensors with HA, there is an option “force_update” available.

force_update (boolean) Sends update events even if the value hasn’t changed. Useful if you want to have meaningful value graphs in history.

Is there something similar, when using sensors with esphome native API support?

In my test, a sensor value is only published by HA, when it is different to the previous one.

Best regards

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I asked the question on the discord server and I confirm that, at the moment, the force_update is not possible with the native API integration, only with the MQTT implementation.

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I wish that there was a force_update on the native api. For me depending on the time interval I select some of my temperature data in grafana does not show

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I am having an issue here with an SML powermeter and an attached derivative sensor. If the meter does not increase, the derivative is stuck at the last old value for a long time.

Uh, just found out that “force_update” made it’s way into the code :slight_smile:

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