FordPass Integration

pretty much the same as every HACS install

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There are two very important steps when using HACS to add community-provided integrations:

  1. After you add the integration with HACS, go to Configuration/Settings/System controls, then restart your server.
  2. After the system has finished restarting, reload the page in your browser (typically hit Control+R).

The new integration will not appear in your “Add Integrations” list until step 2 is completed.

For those with EVs using this integration, has anyone figured out how to get electricity consumption when charging as something the Energy dashboard can track?

e.g. how many kWh the vehicle is pulling.

‘I will start off that I am new to HA and slowing adding different integrations. I now have HACS installed and was able to add the FordPass integration. It asked me for my Fordpass userid and password including vin number of my ford 2020 Ford Fusion. What am I suppose to do after that? I currently see FordPass in the Integrations page and it is in red with a message “Retrying setup:None” so I do not know where I am suppose to go from here. Besides looking thru the HA community is there a place where developers post installation documentation when you install the different HACS Integrations?’

Having the same issue!

I know this is a little older topic, but was curious. Since it seems to report oil status. Is there any indication on when the oil was last changed? Does that status change when you start getting near the X miles or X amount of time? Or is that the oil level and not the state of the quality of oil but the volume?

The oil status is the quality and lifetime of the oil.
One of the attribues this sensor delivers ist the remaining oil life (OilLifeActual in percentage).
The oil life will go up ta 100% after an oli change but no indicator when changed or about the actual lifetime.

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That is awesome! Very cool. thanks for that screen shot!

Create a virtual sensor to keep track of the date ?

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I was thinking about that. Use an automation when oillifeactual changes from < 70% to > 95% or something along those lines update “input_date.oilchanged” to

Has anybody already implemented the option to set the charge percentage with a EV car?

You seem to have a fair bit of experience with this integration. Are you able to let me know if the GPS data is updated when the car data is refreshed? I would like to be able to get almost real-time GPS location data when the car is on.
My current experience with my Land Rover is that the car only updates the GPS data when the car is turned on & off, all other data is mostly refreshed while in motion. That is a know LR thing.
I am shopping for a new car, based on HA intergration :man_facepalming:, & I like the look of the new Ranger coming soon.

Hi there,

I am wondering if someone can help out when it comes to the fordpass.tracker state that displays the picture. In the code there is a state image: home and not_home
The picture displays fine when the car has the location of home, however, when the car is parked in a zone we have listed in Home Assistant, the picture for home or not home does not load and it is stuck just spinning.
Is there a way to add pictures for different zones that are displayed with fordpass.tracker?

Thank you

Are we able to display the distance to empty value from Fuel as its own entity?

Thank you!

Just FYI - works for Lincoln as-is

Create a template sensor as per below, I also get a few others.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Ranger Battery Voltage"
        value_template: "{{state_attr('sensor.fordpass_battery','Battery Voltage')}}"
        unit_of_measurement: "V"
        friendly_name: "Ranger Fuel Level"
        value_template: "{{(state_attr('sensor.fordpass_fuel','fuelLevel'))|round(2)}}"
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
        friendly_name: "Ranger Fuel DTE"
        value_template: "{{state_attr('sensor.fordpass_fuel','distanceToEmpty')}}"
        unit_of_measurement: "Km"
        friendly_name: "Ranger Oil Life"
        value_template: "{{state_attr('sensor.fordpass_oil','oilLifeActual')}}"
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
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Did you ever figure this out?

Which charger are you using?

I was hoping to find a way to do this as well without buying a charger other than the one the car came with.

I’m getting the information from two different chargers. I purchased a Juicebox, which provides the information in real-time. And then also I put this Z-Wave switch before my older dumb charger, that reports consumption every 5 minutes. Not perfect, but better than just what FordPass provides.

Ah good to know. I might just end up getting a Juicebox since I only have to worry about one charger.

If you’re a Costco member, they offer the Juicebox 40 with a 20’ cable for $550. So it’s got a cable that’s 5’ shorter, but it’s $150 cheaper than the normal price for the unit.