Forecast High Temperature Trigger

I’m new to HA and I’m trying to set up a trigger for forecast high temperature that’s above a certain temperature. I integrated OpenWeather since it includes forecast information and it does come with a forecast high, but I can’t seem to create a trigger for a forecast high that’s greater than my desired threshold. Is there a way to do so?

Yes, use a numeric state trigger.


I am new to HA, and have been trying to configure this too.
I know I need a trigger, but the key question for me is, what trigger?
There is an attribute temperature, but what does it return?
The current temperature or the forecasted high of the day?
How can I see this on the attribute name, or where is this explained?

Thanks for your help!

Did you click on the link in the post directly above yours?

Yes I did.
That’s why I am looking for the attribute name in a weather entity what gives me the forecasted high temperature or an explanation of attributes related to weather. I can not find this in this general info about triggers.

Or is there another way to accomplish this, to be found in the info page about triggers?

You find that information in the documentation for the integration you used to add the weather forecast.

I must be difficult to see all those new guys asking so simple questions.
I tend to see myself as a search before you ask person, so I did search.
Nevertheless I respect you not wanting to help me further.