Forecast Solar - Allow additional parameters in config GUI

The Forecast Solar integration currently does not allow for additional parameters to be included in the API call. This means we can’t tweak the results to properly suit our solar instalations.

In many parts of Australia there is a solar inverter max output limit imposed if we want to be eligible for government rebates and feed-in tarrifs. That limit is different for the solar panel capacity.
My example is that I have a 5kW inverter with 6.6kW of panels. This means that during the peak times of the day the max overall output is limited to 5kW (that of the inverter) however in the morning and afternoon the system behaves more like that of a 6.6kW system since there are more panels to collect sunlight than would be for a system having a matching 5kW of panels with the 5kW inverter. We get greater output during low light conditions by having the additional panels.

In speaking with the creator of Forecast Solar he implemented an additional option to account for this by adding a query ( ?inverter=5) at the end of the API call, however the HA GUI does not currently have a place to add this query.

It would be great if the Integration could have this added as I feel like many people would have a similar setup to me and simply not realise that their forecast figures are inaccurate due to this query not being added to the API call for their config.

I think I added this feature to the integration not too long ago :thinking:

There is no place in the config UI to put the extra parameter:

“Inverter size” = 5000W should be, what you are searching, or not?

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As you can see I have the required ‘5000’ set as the inverter size, but the FR is to allow extra parameters. You can’t just put them after the inverter size as it causes an error (at least did when I tried).

yes, you are right. Thanks

I don’t quite understand what you mean. The inverter size option has been added, so what’s causing issues now?

Ok, so that is the same as the parameter ?inverter=5 ? I guess I wasn’t thinking straight when looking at it earlier.

What you enter in the HA GUI at “inverter size” is eventually put in the inverter parameter. As can be seen in the source code:

forecast_solar/forecast_solar at 9891d05e9a12dc569fa8f739f3b6dfb7bbcf57cb · home-assistant-libs/forecast_solar ·

core/homeassistant/components/forecast_solar at 46becd40235fe2077f4493c6c0511a1a2176448c · home-assistant/core ·

Ok thanks.

I’m not well at the moment so not thinking properly. Cheers