Forecast.Solar integration broken?

As of today it no longer works for me, this error:

Retrying setup: 502, message='Bad Gateway', url=URL('')

Anyone else getting the same?

The same here.
Running version: Home Assistant 2021.8.8

Actually I think their site is also having issues, infinite spinning:

Yes, it is terminally broken for a long while now. 2 issues raised on GitHub and marked as closed. This integration (at least this api serving it) needs to be sidelined until reliably sorted, imo.

they couldn’t handle all the requests probaly.

They offer a paid service, so i suspect they have some unhappy customers then!

idem over here…

Maybe you should hide your geo location :wink:

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The API is back online! :wink:

Noticed also :slight_smile:

working now

Today i have the same thing, Bad Gateway.

On there website i see the same spinning wait things.

So there API is down?
Anyone else any problems with this?

yes API down