optional send data in GET requests

actual [Forecast.Solar] explains that ?actual=<float kWh> in a GET request sends the current production to the server. I could easily provide a sensor which has that value.

Would it be possible to extend the integration so that it can be configured with a sensor and then uses the current value of that sensor in each GET?

cc @klaasnicolaas @frenck

I’ve browsed the code a bit. It looks like forecast-solar would need to be enhanced first, right?

I know Python but not the HomeAssistant APIs, so implementing this myself would take time.

Is it worth the effort? Any experience?

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Adjusting the Python package is indeed the first step :wink:

Hi, I am just wondering if this has been looked at?

I am looking at doing the same.

Many Thanks

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there is already a PR for this feature request: Allow usage of the "adjust forecast" feature by GreenOpposite · Pull Request #63 · home-assistant-libs/forecast_solar · GitHub