Format Disk

Is there a way to format a disk from a CLI/terminal?

I’ve tried multiple ways without any luck.
please advice


it’s not possible in the CLI or a HA-Terminal, afaik

And it’s a linux system ( i.e " mkfs " )

format your disk on another os, or boot your device with a bootable-usb with an os and appropriate tools

ah! bootable ubuntu stick should do it i assume.

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Yes i think so , it should atleast have the basic system tools

Careful you identify the disk you format. Mistaking the root partition for the one you want to format would be a setback :wink:

so my disk is formated via the ubuntu disk and i can list it by lsblk.
but how do i mount it for /media?


what did you formatted it to ?

i realize i need to label it to CONFIG and add folders for udev.
ill make a new try tomorrow

Not sure where you got that info from ?
network storage.

Ahh sorry, it’s a local disk you want to “mount”

Yeah, have a m2 disk for operating system, and now i would like to use my internal ssd for “media”
Its a intel nuc running Ha OS.