Format/parse mqtt field names and values?

I receive some json over Mqtt, some of the fields are Dates how do i parse them so that the field is a date and not a string? the format is 2018-06-11T15:06:57.092Z. also one field is a enum in camelCase is there any way to convert it to snake_case?

Also the fields are in camelCase

i want to convert the following



{"id":"1500adde-205d-7828-08d5-c36472f2c8ba","canceled":false,"advertised_time_at_location":"2018-06-11 16:02:00","estimated_time_at_location":null,"time_at_location":"2018-06-11 16:03:00","other_information":"","deviations":"","modified_time":"2018-06-11 14:03:54.497Z","state":"on_time","number_of_minutes_delayed":null

current config:

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Peter train to work"
  state_topic: "trafikverket/peter_train_to_work"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.state }}"
  payload_available: "online"
  payload_not_available: "offline"
    - id
    - canceled
    - advertisedTimeAtLocation
    - estimatedTimeAtLocation
    - timeAtLocation
    - otherInformation
    - deviations
    - modifiedTime