Formatting a list of "options" in mqtt discovery

Adding a “Select” type entity to HA through MQTT discovery.
(Got light,Sensor, number working)

The Select entity has a configuration variable “options” (which is required) and is of the type list
Unfortunately, there is no example for Select- type entities.

So, where for the variable name , the code would look like:

doc[“name”] = “myName”;

I am struggeling to find how to add the variable options to the payload of the /config topic

doc[“options”] = "one, two, three " gives one single option named one,two,three

I have tried creating a nested object , but then my options in HA are called [object :Object]

What should the syntax of a list in the Json payload of the entity look like?

{"name":"This Select","obj_id":"some selct","uniq_id":"ofclght4B10Q","options":"one;two;thre","stat_t":"stat/off_light/select","cmd_t":"cmnd/off_light/select","device":{"ids":"devofclight01","name":"Office Light"}}

does not work

Answered my own question:

Create a JsonArray as a NestedArray within the payload (doc) where the “key” is “options”

JsonArray opt = doc.createNestedArray(“options”);