Is anyone else getting a lot of server failures when connecting to the hass forum?
I’m getting loads or errors and cloud flare messages about being unavailable
I’ve been seeing them off and on over the last few days
Me too, quite a bit actually
Same happening here.
Same here too.
Since a week or so.
ditto - typically if I wait a few minutes I can then resume normal functionality.
@balloob are you aware of the forum issues?
Yes, we are aware about the forum issues.
Thanks for confirming. Thought you would be.
Curious what the issue is…?
We are mgrating to a bigger instance for the forum. This should solve the issues.
What was it running on before? A raspberry pi??
t2.medium, now t2.large.
Forum issues once again?
Sometimes seeing Error code: 520 No Reason Phrase
over the last few days.
Yeah me too.
I figure the admins are aware and working out how to fund more AWS compute
getting lots of 520 errors and cloudflare offline notices and retry later for online version. Been happening for at least the past 4-5 days if not longer.
It was an upgrade gone bad and a conflict with Cloudflares caching layer. We fixed it Sunday I believe. Let us know if you are still experiencing issues.
All good now I think, @robbiet480
Forum issues once again?
Sometimes seeing Error code: 520 No Reason Phrase over the last few days.