Foscam C1 - Help!

I’m a newb… so please excuse.

I cannot get my HA (hassio) to recognize my Foscam IP cameras. I tried adding the foscam component and nothing appears under home/states.

platform: foscam
name: Family Room
port: 8813
username: [username]
password: [password]

I also tried the Generic MJPEG IP Camera. I do get a box that says “Frontdoor(error loading image)” but nothing else.

camera 1:
platform: mjpeg
name: Frontdoor

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Can you make sure you use code blocks and syntax highlighting when pasting your code?
also please confirm the settings for your cameras, Family Room uses port 8813 but your mjpeg example has port 88

You may want to check this forum for help with mjpeg on your C1.
Personally I have a different brand (hikvision) and I have installed motion to stream the video feeds and I use the motion URL with HASS.
Note that it only refreshes every 10 sec on HASS anyway so not that useful if you ask me…