Foscam C1 Motion Detection integration

Hi guys,

I have a problem to integrate Motion Detection of my Foscam C1.

My configuration.yaml:

- platform: foscam
  name: foscam1
  ip: 10.0.X.X
  username: #######
  password: ########

It’s Ok with the entitie camera.foscam1 i see my foscam in the dashboard.

My problem is in Motion Detection integration, i use this code in a switches.yaml:

 platform: command_line
 command_on: 'curl -k "https://10.0.X.X:443/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setMotionDetectConfig&isEnable=1&usr=#######&pwd=#######"'
 command_off: 'curl -k "https://10.0.X.X:443/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setMotionDetectConfig&isEnable=0&usr=#######&pwd=#######"'
 command_state: 'curl -k --silent "https://10.0.X.X:443/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=getMotionDetectConfig&usr=#######&pwd=#######" | grep -oP "(?<=isEnable>).*?(?=</isEnable>)"'
 value_template: '{{ value == "1" }}'

It’s ok i see a new entitie switch.foscam_motion and this result in dashboard:


When I click on the button, it turns blue, it launches well the request “Turned on switch.foscam_motion.
and he immediately goes back to the initial status. Off.

If I look in the webacces of the Foscam, the motion detection is activated. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
why does not the switch stay on? Log Details (ERROR):

Command failed: curl -k --silent "https://10.0.X.X:443/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=getMotionDetectConfig&usr=#######&pwd=########" | grep -oP "(?<=isEnable>).*?(?=</isEnable>)"

when I type in a browser:


I have this feedback:


isEnable=1 if my motion is activate
isEnable=0 if my motion is disable

What’s wrong with command_state ? no keep the statut ON in the dashboard.

Thanks for help :sweat:

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Did you indent your switch config properly?

  platform: command_line
      command_on: 'curl -k "https://10.0.X.X:443/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setMotionDetectConfig&isEnable=1&usr=#######&pwd=#######"'
      command_off: 'curl -k "https://10.0.X.X:443/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setMotionDetectConfig&isEnable=0&usr=#######&pwd=#######"'
      command_state: 'curl -k --silent "https://10.0.X.X:443/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=getMotionDetectConfig&usr=#######&pwd=#######" | grep -oP "(?<=isEnable>).*?(?=</isEnable>)"'
      value_template: '{{ value == "1" }}'

Thanks dude for fast help,

Yes my indent is correct, to test, i copy / paste your code in my yaml, same error:

Command failed: curl -k --silent "https://10.0.X.X:443/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=getMotionDetectConfig&usr=#######&pwd=########" | grep -oP "(?<=isEnable>).*?(?=</isEnable>)"

My motion detection is started on my foscam but the switch not stay ON in dashboard. I think the command_state does not keep or check the Motion status.

Or a pb with: (?<=isEnable>).*?(?=</isEnable>)

Any idéa?

Nobody meets same problem?


Just for testing could you try this one:

  platform: command_line
      command_on: 'curl -k "https://10.0.X.X:443/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setMotionDetectConfig&isEnable=1&usr=#######&pwd=#######"'
      command_off: 'curl -k "https://10.0.X.X:443/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setMotionDetectConfig&isEnable=0&usr=#######&pwd=#######"'
      command_state: 'curl -k --silent "https://10.0.X.X:443/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=getMotionDetectConfig&usr=#######&pwd=#######" | grep -q "<isEnable>1</isEnable>"'

May be you distribution/linux has a strange version of grep. I removed the “value_template” line intentionally!


Hi Syssi, i tested with your code, and that’s run fine :+1::ok_hand:

Big Thanks!!

Best regards…

Ps: How to mark this topic solved?