Could someone help me, how I can integrate the FOSSiBOT F2400 into HA?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
If someone has the knowledge to create a Home Assistant integration, I did a full reverse engineering of FOSSIBOT API.
today i received the new Fossibot F3600 Pro. Put it under some stress tests and i can only say ‘what a engine’, fantastic.
As HA user i am also interested in a integration.
Iamslan can you publish in some way your API information ?
I never wrote a integration but it should be possible by looking all other examples .
Hi guys, just updated the repository with home assistant implementation using RESTful integration.
It works even if it’s not clean as a proper custom integration.
Got my Fossibot 2400 yesterday, a little disappointed by the absence of HA integration. Gonna dive into this topic tomorrow, maybe find something worthy.