I was looking dataloggers for my inverter. I found one called NodeRed with a script for Solax which looks very similar but not all the counters display properly.
After spending hours searching I found something on GitHub.
Which details the registers which was an already made package for it to use on this platform. When I changed to the correct sensors in the script and set to FC3 Reading holding registers many counters started to work but a lot of manual work but this platform does everything I want so I am grateful.
I still feel bitter from the way I was treated by the manufacturer. The manual says, ethernet port for pc monitoring or third party monitoring. When I inquired if they do pc monitoring software or recommend a third party appliance they lied to me to say that the ethernet port is a “reserved” port and non functioning. I was very offended like they treat me like I am stupid. When it did in fact work but using Modbus as I discovered using a port scanner port 502.
input_type: holding
slave: 247
data_type: int16
address: 31000 - name: “PV1-Voltage”
address: 31001 - name: “PV1-Current”
address: 31002 - name: “PV1-Power”
address: 31003 - name: "PV2-Voltage
address: 31004 - name: “PV2-Current”
address: 31005 - name: “PV2-Power”
address: 31006 - name: “RVolt” # Grid Voltage
address: 31007 - name: “RCurrent” # Generated AC Current ?
address: 31008 - name: “31008” # Generated AC Watts ?
address: 31009 - name: “RFreq” # Grid Frequency
address: 31014 - name: “Grid CT”
address: 31016 - name: “Load Power”
address: 31018 - name: “AmbTemp”
address: 31019 - name: “InvTemp”
address: 31020 - name: “BatVolt”
address: 31021 - name: “BatCurrent”
address: 31022 - name: “Battery-Discharge-Power”
address: 31023 - name: “Battery-Temp”
address: 31024 - name: “Battery-SoC”
No inverter 5 to 10m away should require to monitor (wifi stick only) to router and datalog, a phone/ “a stupid app”, broadband, website, account and the manufacturer being in existence as the only means. What good is it if I loose broadband. I was told they only sell Wifi sticks which is a big nono, I would want anything like that wired. Once connected updates will automatically install, another big nono, if goes wrong and fails behind my back then I have to do the chasing as opposed to someone manually doing it (if there is a known fault and requires it) then they have to act straight away. Also I was told you could changes settings like voltages and all sorts of aspects (like my Sunnywebox) from a website over the internet which is a big nono. What if it is compromised, what if Britain goes into conflict with China. Maybe i am paranoid but the point is, I want it private in house and has to function with the datalogger regardless of what happens out there.
I user a separate browser profile for many things to isolate them. Useful to separate cookies and use the bookmark toolbar for related things.
C:\Vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe --user-data-dir=“C:\Vivaldi\HomeAssist”
That should work for Chrome as the browser in the screenshot is Vivaldi which is just a dressed up version of Chrome 90 with some nice features to it and adjustments to the user interface.
With my previous solar panel system I was given a Sunnywebbox with a built in webserver that worked for 7 years all the way from Firefox 10? to Chrome 90 until the day I moved out.
I just find it insane why you should go “around the houses” or all the way around the world to do something 5 to 10m away and
Thank you very much. It was either this or no monitoring.