Foxess Inverter Modbus

This was my thought as well
In the end the problem was that WEG (the company that rebrands FoxESS in my country), or maybe even FoxESS in the newer models, removed the main RS485 port from the main connector from the inverter, and left it only for the wifi dongle, which means I had to get a little creative, but with a little ingenuity I got it to work :slight_smile:
By the way, the integration is ready to test in case you guys wanna check out
FoxESS T Series Integration - GitHub

Also now looking at the original wifi board, it uses an ESP-WROOM-02D, which might accept esphome itself? :eyes:
Sadly I cannot mod mine to this level as the contractor uses the official website to monitor production and etc, but i would definitely dig this deeper if I had the possibility

Any update ?
THX Cyberhome

Hi, did you solve your problem with the weird readings ? I think I have the same problem e.g. frequence showned as current multiplied by 10.

My integration of FoxEss T10-G3 works fine,
in ESP-Home there is a update shown - is it ok to do so - or is there any issue that could break my running solution?

Hi. What firmware is installed on your inverter?
There is currently 3 different firmwares that have some changes to the protocol.
Depending on the firmware some registers need to be shifted.

Personally I never update my ESP’s, unless there is some pressing reason to do so.
I’m not aware of any breaking changes resulting it no longer working, but why take the risk😉

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Część masz jeszcze płytkę PCB na sprzedaż?

1.42 should be my firmware - aktually never changed something (never touch…)

Hi guys
Today I connected my equipment (in accordance with the assembly12 instructions) and immediately after connecting it in the HA, the production from solar panels reached 120 000 kWh. Why did this happen?

I have version master 1.35
version slaver 1.01
version ARM 1.21

Hi. That could be right, depending on how long you have your panels installed. This is the lifetime production of your system since the day it was installed. The inverter tracks this internally.

The PV was installed yesterday. According to xndz I changed the data in the h file. My manager version is 1.21.

Now I have good readings (generation power voltages, current etc.) apart from T-Series Generation Total I Energy Dashboard. From this morning (6.30) to the present (10.40), PV has produced 6.5 kWh. However, the energy dasboard shows that the production from PV is 0.4 kWh per hour. For example 7:00-8:00 (0,4kWh), 8:00-9:00 (0,4kWh), 9-10 (0,4kWh). Why is this happening?

Can you post some screenshots of your settings in the energy dashboard?
The sensor “T Series Generation Total” is the one that should be used for the energy dashboard.

I did it and now it works fine. Earlier in the yaml file I deleted the entries for PV3 and PV4 (because I have T8), now when I re-entered these lines of code it works fine.

Ok. Glad its working now.

Hello friends,
I have FoxESS T series. There is RS485. I analyze data and 4 type of pakets is there. One packet per half minute. The data timing is the same as the inverter send data to cloud. I need “GridPower”, “GenerationPower” and “LoadsPower” from packet (Function code) 0x02. I get it every 2 minutes in this time, but I need it more often. Can I use send request to inverter for this data? How?
Thank you for your help.

Hi. Unfortunately it is not possible to poll the inverter. 2 minutes is therefore the shortest update interval.

Hello everyone,
I also have a Foxess T series and have ordered a couple of PCB’s from the gerber file. I see in the ESPHome log that i am getting data from the uart_debug. However it seems that i can’t get any usefull data out of them and it automatically says the inverter is offline. According to the LCD on the front of the unit I am running firmware version 3.48. If i can help out with development or debugging please let me know