[FR] Somfy and Freebox Delta

Dear all,

I am fresh new to HASS and I am struggling so far. I installer HASS on a Freebox Delta that incorporates SOMFY controllers. I don’t know how to detect the Somfy devices in HASS. Any french guys around with an idea ?

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Hi @Jerome_Rolli,
I am also interested, I have Somfy shutters and I haven’t seen them on HASS yet.

Do you succeed in adding freebox integration ? i am trying here but without success for the moment. there is also the homebridge integration but same problem, no success in installing it at this time.

I look at the source code of Freebox integration and the connected home features of the Freebox are not taken into account by the plugin. I will give it a go with some custom codes when I have time. I am a not a developer and a very beginner in Python so this is gonna be fun !