Here is a guide that I wrote to help install a FREASH INSTALL of Hass io/Home assistant Straight to SSD
1 - Download Raspbian Stretch Lite from Raspberry Pi and flash to the SSD using Etcher
Connect the SSD via USB to any USB port on the Pi, connect Pi up to display and turn on the power.
Raspbian should boot shortly and the Pi will resize the SSD.
To connect to your network use an Ethernet cable or connect to Wi-Fi on the top right of Raspbian enter your home SSID/PW.
2 - You will need to enable SSH on the Pi as well
To SSH just add a file to the SSD you just flashed to and name it “SSH” and remove the prefix (.txt)
It can be any type of file as you are taking the file Prefix away anyway.
Download PuTTY >>
Once SSH is enabled connect to the Pi using Putty username & password are pi and raspberry –
UserName >> pi
Password >> raspberry
It’s a good time to change the default password using command >>
“ sudo passwd ” then follow onscreen prompts.
3 - Install Docker in terminal using command>>
curl -fsSL -o && sh
4 - Now Reboot your Pi
sudo shutdown -r now
5 - After rebooting update everything because… why not!
sudo apt-get install jq
sudo mkdir /usr/share/hassio
sudo su
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
6 - Install HA - Now start the Hassio installation (the following is one long command… line wrapping happens)
To install use command >>>
curl -sL | bash -s -- -m raspberrypi3
7 – The do a final reboot
sudo shutdown -r now
(The Raspi will take ~10-20 minutes to reboot as it downloads HassIO and installs it .)
The default HassIO location is hassio.local:8123, but since we installed it atypically, we need to access it via raspberrypi.local:8123. You may also use the IP address. EG:
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