Free ENERGY vs GRID usage icon for Dashboard

Thought I’d give back to the community with this handy dashboard icon state I created.

This will let you see visually when your home is running on Solar FREE energy vs GRID supplied load at a glance.

I’m using a Goodwe Inverter with a Homekit Smart Meter in my example below.
If you can’t get access to the Homekit sensor, then install the SEMS Portal integration via HACS.

** Please read the instructions below carefully as there a few add-ons required.

It should be easy to change for other consumption meters if you can identify the sensor.state and change accordingly. (look in develolper tools / states to identify a suitable state).


#                  Goodwe HomeKit
#              VISUAL FREE-ENERGY iCON
#                    .-.     .-.
#                   .****. .****.
#                   .*****.*****.
#                    .*********.
#                     .*******.
#                      .*****.
#                       .***.
#                   .....\*/.....
#                    by zimbakin
#                   .............
# This is for people with solar PV and a home consumption meter, or access to the data.
# **  Using Goodwe Inverter with Homekit Smart meter as an example:
#     This is a working exapmle for GW Homekit. For other hardware.. google and forums are your friend.
# **  If you can't get access to the Homekit sensor, then install the SEMS Portal integration via HACS.
#   1)  Edit "configration.yaml" to add the entity state below with your custom id.
#       Nb. Replace XXXXXXXX with your unique Homekit sensor id.

#    template:
#      - sensor:
#        - name: "My Load Status"
#          unique_id: SM_LoadStatus
#          state: "{{ states.sensor.homekit_XXXXXXXX.attributes.loadStatus }}"
#   2)  Restart Home Assistant
#   3) Make sure HACS & Lovelace are installed: HACS/integrations/DWAINS... (Google knows all...)
#   4) HACS / Frontend / ...Explore and download repositories / search for Button Card [download/install]
#   5) Add Custom:Button-Card to your dashboard
#   6) copy and paste the template below into the card.
#      - Change entity: to whatever your entity is  
#      - Change padding, text size, colors etc. to suit your layout
#   Homekit's 'loadStatus' sensor returns a value of 1 for Grid usage and -1 for Grid contribution
#   My template chages the icon, colour and label for 'FREE POWER' vs '** Grid PWR **'
#   Enjoy.

type: custom:button-card
entity: sensor.sm_load_status
show_entity_picture: true
  - value: 1
    icon: mdi:transmission-tower-export
    color: red
    label: '** Grid PWR **'
        - background-color: '#330101'
  - value: -1
    icon: mdi:solar-power-variant
    color: '#6afa00'
    label: FREE POWER
        - background-color: '#223344'
show_state: false
show_label: true
show_name: false
size: 80%
    - padding: 15%
    - font-size: 13.5px