Freebox integration error


I’m using the UI to add the freebox integration to my Home Assistant 0.108.5. I have a Freebox mini 4k
I followed the steps in the documentation, when setting the host/port and pressing the submit button I have an error “Unknown error: try again later”, and no arrow is displayed on the freebox


I have followed the initial setup to allow home assistant to have access to the freebox



I’ve tried rebooting the freebox and restart homeassistant but I still have this issue.
I’ve also tried to edit the configuration.yaml file to add the freebox data but it’s not working.

Do you have any clue ?

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I had the same problem.
I was able to resolve this by checking
“activer l’authentification par mot de passe”
Sadly it is not stated in the doc.

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This was the issue indeed !
Merci :slight_smile:

It has not solved my issue. Integration works well but I still have the warning log:

Logger: homeassistant.components.freebox.router
Source: components/freebox/
Integration: Freebox (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 27 novembre 2023 à 18:43:29 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 27 novembre 2023 à 18:43:29

Home access is not granted

Any clue why?

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Same issue for me !