Is it possible to somehow set scan interval to start another scan once previous is done? Without defining strict value? I’m scanning sensors over network and sometimes it takes 200ms while sometimes 1s. Setting it to 1s is too long and sometimes it takes even longer. I Don’t want to see tons of warnings in log.
Muting that sensor in log is another option if it’s possible - is it?
So you’re trying to say that if I remove scan_interval entry from my config it’s going to behave in a way that it’s gonna start another scan immediately after finishing previous one? Really?
Good one, but no, I don’t want to redefine physics rules. I just want it to be as quick as possible.
That is simple. Switching light on and off. But not only through HASS but most often by simple, old fashioned wall switch. Just like we used to do a hundred years ago. Now imagine you have a lag on the switch. And on updating if the light is actually on or off. What do you do? You unintentionally turn it on and off ending up confused. That’s why I want it to be blazing fast.
Yes. But each polled integration has a default scan interval.
If you want fast use an integration that uses “local push” rather than “polling”. No need to define a scan interval when updates are pushed to home assistant as soon as they happen.
I thought of MQTT but that would require some unnecessary layers in-between. If it can’t be set the way I want it using simple command_line.switch I will probably get used to warnings.
Will look at Shelly though.
As soon as your device changes it publishes to a topic. The broker knows home assistant is subscribed to the topic so pushes out an update straight away.
Likewise, if home assistant publishes a command to a broker topic it is pushed to the device right away.
No need for command line at all.
Shelly definitely deserve our support. One of the few companies that supply a local method without the need for flashing alternative firmware.